doc. RNDr. Petr Jurečka, Ph.D.
Tel: 58 563 4760, E-mail:, Room: 3.006
Research interests- Force field development for RNA and DNA (AMBER)
- Molecular dynamics of RNA and DNA
- Noncovalent interactions
- Benchmark QM calculations
- 1995 – 2000 - M.Sc. Inorganic chemistry, Charles University, Prague
- 2000 – 2004 - Ph.D. Physical chemistry, Charles University, Prague
- 2009 - doc. (associate prof.) Physical chemistry, Palacký University, Olomouc
- 2002 – 2003 - Researcher, Jaroslav Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Prague
- 2005 – 2009 - Researcher, Institute of Biophysics (group of prof. Šponer), Brno
- 2007 – 2009 - Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (group of prof. Hobza), Prague
- 2006 - Researcher, Palacký University, Olomouc
- 2009 - Doc. (Associate Prof.), Palacký University, Olomouc
- 2012 - Researcher (part-time), Institute of Biophysics (group of prof. Šponer), Brno
- 2002 - Stay at POSTECH, Pohang (prof. K. S. Kim), South Korea
- 2005 - Stay at SISSA, Trieste, HPC Europa, Italy
- 2005 – 2006 – Postdoc at University of Calgary (group of D.R. Salahub), Canada
- 2009 - Stay at POSTECH, Pohang (prof. K. S. Kim), South Korea
- Prof. Jiří Šponer, Institute of Biophysics, CAS, Brno – RNA simulations
- Prof. Thomas E. Cheatham, University of Utah, USA – force field development
- Prof. Javier F. Luque, University of Barcelona, Spain – molecular modeling
- Prof. Pavel Hobza – Center for Biomolecules and Complex Molecular Systems, Prague, Czech Republic – benchmark calculations
- GACR – Molecules on the Surfaces of Carbon Nanostructures, 2010-2014
- Marie Zgarbová (2007-2011)
- Mikuláš Kocman (2009-2014)
- Martin Pykal (2011-)
- Gutten O, Jurečka P, Tehrani ZA, Budešínský M, Řezáč J, Rulíšek L: Conformational energies and equilibria of cyclic dinucleotides in vacuo and in solution: computational chemistry vs. NMR experiments dagger. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23(12), 7280-7294, 2021. (DOI)
- Dubecký M, Jurečka P, Mitas L, Ditte M, Fanta R: Toward Accurate Hydrogen Bonds by Scalable Quantum Monte Carlo. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 15(6), 3552-3557, 2019. (DOI)
- Li Q, Froning JP, Pykal M, Zhang S, Wang Z, Vondrák M, Banáš P, Čépe K, Jurečka P, Šponer J, Zbořil R, Dong M, Otyepka M: RNA nanopatterning on graphene. 2D Mater, 5, 031006, 2018. (DOI)
- Šponer J, Bussi G, Krepl M, Banáš P, Bottaro S, Cunha RA, Ley AG, Pinamonti G, Poblete S, Jurečka P, Walter NG, Otyepka M: RNA Structural Dynamics As Captured by Molecular Simulations: A Comprehensive Overview. Chem. Rev., 118(8), 4177–4338, 2018. (DOI)
- Zgarbová M, Jurečka P, Šponer J, Otyepka M: A- to B-DNA Transition in AMBER Force Fields and its Coupling to Sugar Pucker. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 14(1), 319–328, 2018. (DOI)
- Karlický F, Otyepková E, Lo R, Pitoňák M, Jurečka P, Pykal M, Hobza P, Otyepka M: Adsorption of Organic Molecules to van der Waals Materials: Comparison of Fluorographene and Fluorographite with Graphene and Graphite. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 13(3), 1328–1340, 2017. (DOI)
- Mlýnský V, Kührová P, Jurečka P, Šponer J, Otyepka M, Banáš P: Mapping the Chemical Space of the RNA Cleavage and its Implications for Ribozyme Catalysis. J. Phys. Chem. B, 121(48), 10828–10840, 2017. (DOI)
- Šponer J, Krepl M, Banáš P, Kührová P, Zgarbová M, Jurečka P, Havrila M, Otyepka M: How to understand atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of RNA and protein– RNA complexes? WIREs RNA, 8(3), e1405, 2017. (DOI)
- Zgarbová M, Jurečka P, Banáš P, Havrila M, Šponer J, Otyepka M: Noncanonical α/γ Backbone Conformations in RNA and the Accuracy of Their Description by the AMBER Force Field. J. Phys. Chem. B, 121(11), 2420–2433, 2017. (DOI)
- Zgarbová M, Jurečka P, Lankaš F, Cheatham TE, Šponer J, Otyepka M: Influence of BII Backbone Substates on DNA Twist: A Unified View and Comparison of Simulation and Experiment for all 136 Distinct Tetranucleotide Sequences. J. Chem. Inf. Model., 57(2), 275–287, 2017. (DOI)
- Dršata T, Zgarbová M, Jurečka P, Šponer J, Lankaš F: On the Use of Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Probing Allostery through DNA. Biophys. J., 110(4), 874–876, 2016. (DOI)
- Dubecký M, Mitas L, Jurečka P: Noncovalent Interactions by Quantum Monte Carlo. Chem. Rev., 116(9), 5188–5215, 2016. (DOI)
- Galindo-Murillo R, Robertson JC, Zgarbová M, Šponer J, Otyepka M, Jurečka P, Cheatham TE: Assessing the current state of AMBER force field modifications for DNA. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 12(8), 4114–4127, 2016. (DOI)
- Pykal M, Jurečka P, Karlický F, Otyepka M: Modelling of graphene functionalization. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18(48), 6351-6372, 2016. (DOI)
- Havrila M, Zgarbová M, Jurečka P, Banáš P, Krepl M, Otyepka M, Šponer J: Microsecond-Scale MD Simulations of HIV-1 DIS Kissing-Loop Complexes Predict Bulged-In Conformation of the Bulged Bases and Reveal Interesting Differences Between Available Variants of the AMBER RNA Force Fields. J. Phys. Chem. B, 119, 15176−15190, 2015. (DOI)
- Kocman M, Jurečka P, Dubecký M, Otyepka M, Cho Y, Kim KS: Choosing a density functional for modeling adsorptive hydrogen storage: reference quantum mechanical calculations and a comparison of dispersion-corrected density functionals. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17(9), 6423-6432, 2015. (DOI)
- Mlýnský V, Kührová P, Zgarbová M, Jurečka P, Walter NG, Otyepka M, Šponer J, Banáš P: Reactive Conformation of the Active Site in the Hairpin Ribozyme Achieved by Molecular Dynamics Simulations with $epsilon$/$zeta$ Force Field Reparametrizations. J. Phys. Chem. B., 119(11), 4220-4229, 2015. (DOI)
- Řezáč J, Dubecký M, Jurečka P, Hobza P: Extensions and applications of the A24 data set of accurate interaction energies. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17(29), 19268-19277, 2015. (DOI)
- Sovová Ž, Berka K, Otyepka M, Jurečka P: Coarse-Grain Simulations of Skin Ceramide NS with Newly Derived Parameters Clarify Structure of Melted Phase. J. Phys. Chem. B., 119(10), 3988-3998, 2015. (DOI)
- Zgarbová M, Rosnik AM, Luque FJ, Curutchet C, Jurečka P: Transferability and additivity of dihedral parameters in polarizable and nonpolarizable empirical force fields. J. Comput. Chem., 36(25), 1874-1884, 2015. (DOI)
- Zgarbová M, Šponer J, Otyepka M, Cheatham TE, Galindo-Murillo R, Jurečka P: Refinement of the Sugar-Phosphate Backbone Torsion Beta for the AMBER Force Fields Improves the Description of Z-DNA and B-DNA. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 11(12), 5723–5736, 2015. (DOI)
- Dršata T, Špačková N, Jurečka P, Zgarbová M, Šponer J, Lankaš F: Mechanical properties of symmetric and asymmetric DNA A-tracts: implications for looping and nucleosome positioning. Nucleic Acids Res., 42(11), 7383-7394, 2014. (DOI)
- Dršata T, Zgarbová M, Špačková N, Jurečka P, Šponer J, Lankaš F: Mechanical Model of DNA Allostery. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5(21), 3831-3835, 2014. (DOI)
- Dubecký M, Derian R, Jurečka P, Mitas L, Hobza P, Otyepka M: Quantum Monte Carlo for noncovalent interactions: an efficient protocol attaining benchmark accuracy. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16(38), 20915-20923, 2014. (DOI)
- Kocman M, Pykal M, Jurečka P: Electric quadrupole moment of graphene and its effect on intermolecular interactions. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16(7), 3144-3152, 2014. (DOI)
- Mládek A, Banáš P, Jurečka P, Otyepka M, Zgarbová M, Šponer J: Energies and 2′-Hydroxyl Group Orientations of RNA Backbone Conformations. Benchmark CCSD(T)/CBS Database, Electronic Analysis, and Assessment of DFT Methods and MD Simulations. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 10(1), 463-480, 2014. (DOI)
- Šponer J, Banáš P, Jurečka P, Zgarbová M, Kührová P, Havrila M, Krepl M, Stadlbauer P, Otyepka M: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Nucleic Acids. From Tetranucleotides to the Ribosome. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5(10), 1771-1782, 2014. (DOI)
- Zgarbová M, Otyepka M, Šponer J, Lankaš F, Jurečka P: Base Pair Fraying in Molecular Dynamics Simulations of DNA and RNA. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 10(8), 3177-3189, 2014. (DOI)
- Dubecký M, Jurečka P, Derian R, Hobza P, Otyepka M, Mitas L: Quantum Monte Carlo Methods Describe Noncovalent Interactions with Subchemical Accuracy. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 9(10), 4287-4292, 2013. (DOI)
- Lazar P, Karlický F, Jurečka P, Kocman M, Otyepková E, Šafářová K, Otyepka M: Adsorption of Small Organic Molecules on Graphene. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135(16), 6372-6377, 2013. (DOI)
- Mládek A, Krepl M, Svozil D, Čech P, Otyepka M, Banáš P, Zgarbová M, Jurečka P, Šponer J: Benchmark quantum-chemical calculations on a complete set of rotameric families of the DNA sugar–phosphate backbone and their comparison with modern density functional theory. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15(19), 7295-7310, 2013. (DOI)
- Pykal M, Šafářová K, Machalová Šišková K, Jurečka P, Bourlinos AB, Zbořil R, Otyepka M: Lipid Enhanced Exfoliation for Production of Graphene Nanosheets. J. Phys. Chem. C, 117(22), 11800-11803, 2013. (DOI)
- Šponer J, Šponer JE, Mládek A, Banáš P, Jurečka P, Otyepka M: How to understand quantum chemical computations on DNA and RNA systems? A practical guide for non-specialists. Methods, 64(1), 3-11, 2013. (DOI)
- Šponer J, Šponer JE, Mládek A, Jurečka P, Banáš P, Otyepka M: Nature and magnitude of aromatic base stacking in DNA and RNA: Quantum chemistry, molecular mechanics and experiment. Biopolymers, 99(12), 978–988, 2013. (DOI)
- Zgarbová M, Luque FJ, Šponer J, Cheatham TE, Otyepka M, Jurečka P: Toward Improved Description of DNA Backbone: Revisiting Epsilon and Zeta Torsion Force Field Parameters. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 9(5), 2339-2354, 2013. (DOI)
- Banáš P, Mládek A, Otyepka M, Zgarbová M, Jurečka P, Svozil D, Lankaš F, Šponer J: Can We Accurately Describe the Structure of Adenine Tracts in B-DNA? Reference Quantum-Chemical Computations Reveal Overstabilization of Stacking by Molecular Mechanics. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 8(7), 2448-2460, 2012. (DOI)
- Krepl M, Zgarbová M, Stadlbauer P, Otyepka M, Banáš P, Koča J, Cheatham TE, Jurečka P, Šponer J: Reference Simulations of Noncanonical Nucleic Acids with Different chi Variants of the AMBER Force Field: Quadruplex DNA, Quadruplex RNA, and Z-DNA. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 8(7), 2506-2520, 2012. (DOI)
- Šponer J, Mládek A, Šponer JE, Svozil D, Zgarbová M, Banáš P, Jurečka P, Otyepka M: The DNA and RNA sugar–phosphate backbone emerges as the key player. An overview of quantum-chemical, structural biology and simulation studies. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 14(44), 15257-15277, 2012. (DOI)
- Zgarbová M, Luque FJ, Šponer J, Otyepka M, Jurečka P: A Novel Approach for Deriving Force Field Torsion Angle Parameters Accounting for Conformation-Dependent Solvation Effects. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 8(9), 3232-3242, 2012. (DOI)
- Zgarbová M, Jurečka P, Banáš P, Otyepka M, Šponer JE, Leontis NB, Zirbel CL, Šponer J: Noncanonical Hydrogen Bonding in Nucleic Acids. Benchmark Evaluation of Key Base–Phosphate Interactions in Folded RNA Molecules Using Quantum-Chemical Calculations and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. J. Phys. Chem. A, 115(41), 11277-11292, 2011. (DOI)
- Zgarbová M, Otyepka M, Šponer J, Mládek A, Banáš P, Cheatham TE, Jurečka P: Refinement of the Cornell et al. Nucleic Acids Force Field Based on Reference Quantum Chemical Calculations of Glycosidic Torsion Profiles. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 7(9), 2886-2902, 2011. (DOI)
- Banáš P, Hollas D, Zgarbová M, Jurečka P, Orozco M, Cheatham TE, Šponer J, Otyepka M: Performance of Molecular Mechanics Force Fields for RNA Simulations: Stability of UUCG and GNRA Hairpins. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 6(12), 3836-3849, 2010. (DOI)
- Kolář M, Berka K, Jurečka P, Hobza P: On the Reliability of the AMBER Force Field and its Empirical Dispersion Contribution for the Description of Noncovalent Complexes. ChemPhysChem, 11(11), 2399-2408, 2010. (DOI)
- Mládek A, Šponer JE, Jurečka P, Banáš P, Otyepka M, Svozil D, Šponer J: Conformational Energies of DNA Sugar−Phosphate Backbone: Reference QM Calculations and a Comparison with Density Functional Theory and Molecular Mechanics. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 6(12), 3817-3835, 2010. (DOI)
- Morgado CA, Jurečka P, Svozil D, Hobza P, Šponer J: Reference MP2/CBS and CCSD(T) quantum-chemical calculations on stacked adenine dimers. Comparison with DFT-D, MP2.5, SCS(MI)-MP2, M06-2X, CBS(SCS-D) and force field descriptions. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12(14), 3522-3534, 2010. (DOI)
- Riley KE, Pitoňák M, Jurečka P, Hobza P: Stabilization and Structure Calculations for Noncovalent Interactions in Extended Molecular Systems Based on Wave Function and Density Functional Theories. Chem. Rev., 110(9), 5023-5063, 2010. (DOI)
- Zgarbová M, Otyepka M, Šponer J, Hobza P, Jurečka P: Large-scale compensation of errors in pairwise-additive empirical force fields: comparison of AMBER intermolecular terms with rigorous DFT-SAPT calculations. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12(35), 10476-10493, 2010. (DOI)
- Banáš P, Jurečka P, Walter NG, Šponer J, Otyepka M: Theoretical studies of RNA catalysis: Hybrid QM/MM methods and their comparison with MD and QM. Methods, 49(2), 202-216, 2009. (DOI)
- Morgado CA, Jurečka P, Svozil D, Hobza P, Šponer J: Balance of Attraction and Repulsion in Nucleic-Acid Base Stacking: CCSD(T)/Complete-Basis-Set-Limit Calculations on Uracil Dimer and a Comparison with the Force-Field Description. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 5(6), 1524-1544, 2009. (DOI)
- Šponer J, Zgarbová M, Jurečka P, Riley KE, Šponer JE, Hobza P: Reference Quantum Chemical Calculations on RNA Base Pairs Directly Involving the 2′-OH Group of Ribose. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 5(4), 1166-1179, 2009. (DOI)
- Pitoňák M, Neogrády P, Řezáč J, Jurečka P, Urban M, Hobza P: Benzene Dimer: High-Level Wave Function and Density Functional Theory Calculations. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 4(11), 1829-1834, 2008. (DOI)
- Řezáč J, Jurečka P, Riley KE, Černý J, Valdes H, Pluháčková K, Berka K, Řezáč T, Pitoňák M, Vondrášek J, Hobza P: Quantum Chemical Benchmark Energy and Geometry Database for Molecular Clusters and Complex Molecular Systems ( A Users Manual and Examples. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun., 73(10), 1261-1270, 2008. (DOI)
- Bendová L, Jurečka P, Hobza P, Vondrášek J: Model of Peptide Bond−Aromatic Ring Interaction: Correlated Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Study. J. Phys. Chem. B, 111(33), 9975-9979, 2007. (DOI)
- Černý J, Jurečka P, Hobza P, Valdés H: Resolution of Identity Density Functional Theory Augmented with an Empirical Dispersion Term (RI-DFT-D): A Promising Tool for Studying Isolated Small Peptides. J. Phys. Chem. A, 111(6), 1146-1154, 2007. (DOI)
- Jurečka P, Černý J, Hobza P, Salahub DR: Density functional theory augmented with an empirical dispersion term. Interaction energies and geometries of 80 noncovalent complexes compared with ab initio quantum mechanics calculations. J. Comput. Chem., 28(2), 555-569, 2007. (DOI)
- Kubař T, Jurečka P, Černý J, Řezáč J, Otyepka M, Valdés H, Hobza P: Density-Functional, Density-Functional Tight-Binding, and Wave Function Calculations on Biomolecular Systems. J. Phys. Chem. A, 111(26), 5642-5647, 2007. (DOI)
- Lee EC, Kim D, Jurečka P, Tarakeshwar P, Hobza P, Kim KS: Understanding of Assembly Phenomena by Aromatic−Aromatic Interactions: Benzene Dimer and the Substituted Systems. J. Phys. Chem. A, 111(18), 3446-3457, 2007. (DOI)
- Meneni SR, Shell SM, Gao L, Jurečka P, Lee W, Šponer J, Zou Y, Chiarelli MP, Cho BP: Spectroscopic and Theoretical Insights into Sequence Effects of Aminofluorene-Induced Conformational Heterogeneity and Nucleotide Excision Repair. Biochemistry, 46(40), 11263-11278, 2007. (DOI)
- Pluháčková K, Jurečka P, Hobza P: Stabilisation energy of C 6 H 6 ⋯C 6 X 6 (X = F, Cl, Br, I, CN) complexes: complete basis set limit calculations at MP2 and CCSD(T) levels. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 9(6), 755-760, 2007. (DOI)
- Sedlák R, Jurečka P, Hobza P: Density functional theory-symmetry adapted perturbation treatment energy decomposition of nucleic acid base pairs taken from DNA crystal geometry. J. Chem. Phys., 127(7), 075104, 2007. (DOI)