Topics of Theses


Bachelor´s Paper

Bachelor´s qualification papers are announced by the Department of physical chemistry and are the same for all the guaranteed bachelor´s study programmes. Topics of bachelor´s papers are available here.

Diploma Thesis

Topics of diploma theses are available here.

Dissertation Thesis

Topics of dissertation theses are available here.

Hand-in of Qualification bachelor´s and master´s papers

To hand in a qualification paper, please follow the restrictions and regulations given by the Study and Examinations Code of UP (hereinafter referred to as "SEC") Dean´s precautions to SER. All of the qualification papers must be handed in on the given data (they need to be uploaded in STAG and handed in at the Department of physical chemistry latest three weeks prior the paper defence) to Bc. Kaděrková (the assistant of the Department of physical chemistry), who is responsible for the formal check of qualification paper and fills in the hand-in datum into STAG.